Do I really need a therapist?

If the thought has entered your head that it would be nice to talk to someone in a non-judgemental, neutral environment, then you may be wondering if it is needed or worth it, or whether you are “unwell enough”. I tell people often that everyone can benefit from therapy. Our world can be tough to navigate no matter how much we focus on our health and wellness, and it is always nice to have a place to go that us just about you.

I have limited benefits. Do you offer a sliding scale?

At this time, my current rate for a one hour session, online or in person, is $155. During our free consultation, please discuss any financial concerns with me. If you have limited benefits, we can discuss options and how many sessions we can do. If you cannot afford private therapy, I am happy to refer you to reputable community resources who can also assist you.

What the heck is touch work and how is it used in therapy?

As a certified Somatic Experiencing Practitioner, I am trained in the use of touch in therapeutic practice. This treatment intervention is not for everyone, is totally voluntary, and offers a whole new level of healing. It can be highly effective for many issues, including early developmental trauma, accidents, medical traumas, etc. For a robust explanation of Somatic Experiencing and its use of touch, please visit this page.

I have a diagnosed mental health disorder and have been given medications. Is therapy still needed?

That all depends on you. Most studies for most mental health conditions indicate that a combination of medication and therapeutic intervention is the best way to enhance recovery from a diagnosed mental health disorder. Medications manage symptoms, but do not address things like core beliefs, root causes, triggers and other social, spiritual or environmental factors that may be contributing. Healing comes from gaining insight into the whole person.

Which benefits providers are you covered under?

I am an approved provider through Greenshield, Blue Cross Medavie, RWAM Insurance, and others.

As a registered Master of Social Work, it is likely that your benefits provider has this credential listed. Please contact your insurance company or myself if you have any questions.

Some benefits providers states “psychotherapist” only, which is deemed an equivalent in Ontario. If you experience any issues, my College provides a letter to submit to your provider that indicates this.

I have been told I have Borderline Personality Disorder. Is DBT my only option?

Those who are diagnosed with Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD) often face additional challenges to receiving care. While DBT (Dialectical Behavioural Therapy) is considered the “gold star” of intervention for BPD, it primarily focuses on the idea of tolerating distress and managing difficult, often powerful emotions in the moment. These skills are important, but DBT programming can be difficult to access. Coping skills and mindfulness are big components of DBT, and I do incorporate them into my practice, but I do not focus on them. Many people with a diagnosis of BPD have had difficult upbringings such as trauma or were never adequately taught how to regulate emotions. Therapy can help bring some of this to light and begin healing on a deeper level.

What is your cancellation policy?

I require a full 24hrs notice for cancellation wherever possible. Because it is difficult to fill an appointment slot in less than 24hrs, a cancellation fee of 50% of the session fee will apply, except in rare circumstances.

If you are late, please contact me through text, email or phone. I will wait for you, but will not always be able to go past our one hour time commitment, so your session may be shortened for the same fee.

If your appointment was in person and you are able to do the appointment virtually, I can accommodate that as well.